The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature Calcium carbonate reacts w/stomach acid according to the following chemical equation.
CaCO3+2HCl(aq)-> CaCl2(aq)+H2O(l)+CO2(g)
Folklore refers to the tales people tell – folk stories, fairy tales, “tall tales,” and even urban legends. ...
1. mountains
2. craters
3. Holiday
4. i don’t see another one
I believe the answer is:B.“We cannot do this,” he said. “Rangi and Papa are our parents. They have created us, made us who we are.”
From the line above, the writer shown that Maori really perceive their parents in a really high regard. They felt that the parents are the people that they would always be indebted to for giving life to them. Which is why is taboo for them to do things without the blessing of their parents.
Most would say, your best subject is probably one you excel at. I, on the other hand, believe that the best subject is one that interests you and you don't need an incentive of a good grade to start the initiative. Therefore, my favorite subject is history. Although many would say it's boring and you don't need it, I find it interesting how people back then lived their day to day lives. In conclusion, history, in my opinion, is my best subject.
Don't worry I did this in my own words ;) also I don't really like history.