Nonfiction books are grouped together by subject to make it easier to find a book related to a specific topic. The system that most libraries use to organize books was invented by Melvil Dewey and it is called the Dewey Decimal System. Each book is assigned a three-digit call number based on what the book is about.
1. Yes, it is true that some countries have very strict requirements for citizenship, and some have very loose requirements, since this is an individual decision made by the sovereign state.
no need to answer so here's something else
1 grain of sugar contains about 600 quadrillion molecules of glucose which can be used to make about 18 quintillion molecules of ATP
It would take about 77 quintillion molecules of glucose to make 1 second of atp and it would take around 2.310 sextillion molecules of glucose to make 30 sec of atp and somewhere around 77 quintillion grains of sugar to store around 30 seconds of atp
30 molecules of atp are made with 1 molecule of glucose 10 glucose molecules make 300 atp
(the number of glucose molecules times 30 equals the number of ATP molecules.)
Divide the number of molecules of ATP needed by 30.
7.7 x 10^19 (77 quintillion)
The Europeans found America and they all wanted to claim as much land as possible to extend their territories. This was also the start of the colonization era when many european powers rushed to make as many colonies in America as possible.
In the Ottoman empire, there were four different types of major social classes. These were men of the pen, men of the sword, men of negotiation, and the men of husbandry