Prohibited all forms of human cloning "inasmuch as cloning is incompatible with human dignity the protection of
<span>1. Etruscan Kings:
The founding of the city of Rome, and the consolidation of power by the domination of neighbouring tribes. The tyranny of the Etruscan kings is what led to the founding of the republic.
2. Republic: The period where Rome's leaders were elected by the citizens of the republic on a yearly basis. This period is where Rome came to dominate the mediterranean through conquest and dominance.
3. Principate: period where Rome was ruled over by single emperors, who often tried to keep the illusion of the republic alive.
4. Tetrarchy: The tetrarchy was the period near the end of Rome's dominance where there were four different leaders of Rome, usually posted in different regions near Rome's frontier in order to defend the empire. The tetrarchy collapsed and eventually lead to the empire splitting into East and West.</span>
I don't think that your past should be affected by your future. This is because your past start by pointing out that your ability to envision the future is influenced by your memory from the past. This is because, you tend to use memories of past experiences to predict what your life will be like in the future. It is easier to use your memories when the future you are predicting is very close in time.