Let them know that you arent there for their satisfaction. Make sure that your voice is heard and do not let them take you for granted. The best thing to do if they are becoming too much for you is to leave them.
The best thing to do however is to just talk to them. Talk and see why they are acting the way that they are.
I really hope this helped hunny and I hope everything goes well!
A) The increased amount of new doctors and medical technology
Help Growth:
Healthcare product and service prices.
Market power.
Health insurance coverage.
Demographics and patient characteristics.
Data on factors affecting the health services demand were collected in five categories: economic factors, characteristics of the health institute, attitudes and behaviors of the physician, attitudes and behavior of nurses and auxiliary staff, and the physical environmental specifications of the health institute.
Well in my health class my teacher gives test that are worth 300% wich count as two test grades
The cells eventually start to die out, causing for organs to slowly dye, starting with the lungs and heart which is why you may feel cold as the blood thats pumped stops...I hope your depressed now...Naw just kidding health is important to know :)