Evolution is driven by rare mutations that occur in the DNA of organisms. These mutations could be lethal, neutral and some advantageous. The lethal mutations cannot exist in a population because the offspring is unable to survive to term in pregnancy or dies just after birth. The neutral are ones that do not considerably affect the organisms – though they could result in a disadvantage. The beneficial ones are the one that is kept in the population by natural selection because they confer an advantage e.g in the fight for resources or escaping predation and etcetera. Therefore, it's like a game of chances by nature. Paleontologists discover many species of organisms some of which are imperfect because nature produced them but they died off because their mutations gave them a disadvantage against better-adapted individuals.
The <em>Tiktaalik</em> fish from 375 million years ago became extinct because it did not well-developed eardrum for detecting vibrations in water which is significant in survival.
Dinosaurs during development of feathers had many imperfect species before the right wings for flight were conjured up by nature. An imperfect species is the <u><em>Tianyulong confucius</em></u> had stiff feathers that lacked vanes hence were not ideal for flight
Bacterial flagella is the external structure that is thin, long and filamentous. It is attached to the cell wall of the bacteria which helps in the locomotion of the bacteria. It has three parts a filament, hook and basal body. The basal body is incorporated in the cell membrane.
A flagellum is made up of a protein called flagellin. It is a rigid protein and helps in making the hollow core of the filament by assembling together to form a structure which is cylindrical in shape.
The organization of flagella on bacterial cells is helpful in the identification of bacterial species. Mostly 4 type of organization of flagella is present on bacterial cell that are monotrichous, amphitrichous, lophoyrichous and perithrichous.
In monotrichious bacteria, only one flagella is present on one side, in amphitrichous both side of the cell have an equal amount of flagella. Lophotrichous bacteria have a group of flagella at one side of the cell and amphitrichous bacteria have many flagella distributed equally on its cell.
d. the living world. Biologists need to use the living world in order to back up the scientific method.
The value of the Hubble constant is estimated by measuring the redshift of distant galaxies and then determining the distances to the same galaxies (by some other method than Hubble's law). Uncertainties in the physical assumptions used to determine these distances have caused varying estimates of the Hubble constant.
ions are electrically charged particles formed when atoms lose or gain electrons