A food chain shows a single connected path of energy flow through an ecosystem. It shows the different levels of eating in an ecosystem. Both a good web and a good chain include a number of organisms including both producers and consumers. A food chain is very simple while a food web is complex and consists of a number of food chains. In a food chain each organism has only one consumer or producer.
Duplications are repeated segments of genetic materials that result from unequal crossing over during meiosis or through a replication error prior to meiosis. They usually occur when homologous pairs do not line up correctly or in chromosomes with a lot of repeat sequences. Duplication of a segment of a chromosome would result in Genetic variability during evolution due to gene duplication.
Rainforest cover only 2 % of the total surface area of the Earth but in spite of that about 50 % of plants and animals that live on the Earth live there.
By definition rainforests are forests that recieve high amounts of rainfall so you can actually find rainforests in Alaska for example (other examples: Canada, Asia, Africa, Latin and South-America)
About 1/4 of natural medicines are found in rainforests. 70 % or more of the plants that are used to treat cancer are found only in tropical rainforest on the planet.
Trees in tropical rainforests are so dense that it takes approximately 10 min for the rainfall to reach the ground from canopy.
Larger plants become the dominant organisms