Artifacts because they’re old relics

we've been given the distance Akash covers on his way to school and some other route and we've been asked to calculate the total distance he travels !
so we'll simply be adding up the distances and hopefully we'll obtain our final answer.
let's start ~

hope helpful :D
Warren J. Harding was the 29th President.
Answer: Bunker Hill May 17, 1755, Battle of Long Island August 27, 1776, Battle of Trenton 26.12.1776, Battle of Saratoga autumn 1777.
The attack on Bunker Hill was carried out by members of British troops led by William Howe. He led an army of about 2,500 soldiers, and on the other hand, there were about 1,500 Americans in defense. The battle took place on the Bunker above Hill in Charlestown near Boston. The attack for the British was disastrous because over 1000 soldiers lost their lives. On the other hand, about 400 Americans were killed. The battle also represented a moral victory for the Americans.
The Battle of Long Island took place in what is now Brooklyn, New York. The Barritans sought to conquer territories to control the port. The British were led by William Howe and defeated the American defense in several attacks with the army. Howe had over 30,000 troops. With quality military maneuvers, Howe brought the British army behind the back and the side of the Americans, which led to total disintegration among American troops.
The army of General George Washington defeated the garrison of Hessian mercenaries on December 26, 1776, and January 3, 1777, on two occasions. Victories are considered one of the key details of the war for independence. The battles gave the Americans a huge psychological advantage. The victory established control over New Jersey and led to the unification of American troops. The Battle of Saratoga brought an advantage in the war in favor of the Americans and decided the war's winner for independence. British General John Burgoyne led a large army. The U.S. military surrounded his troops. A British general with two military maneuvers tried unsuccessfully to break out of the ring. In a hopeless situation, he withdrew with the troops in Saratoga and soon had to surrender.
The correct answer is "The Carta Magna" and "The Petition of Rights".
The Carta Magna was a document issued on Juen 15th, 1215. It marked the first precedent for the limitations of the exercise of the British Crown's powers over the citizens which in this case were the Barons.
The Petition of Right is a constitutional document issued in 1628 which further limited the Royal Crown's powers by restricting non-parliamentary taxations, imprisonment without cause, and the use of martial law.
These documents served as a reference for the Constitutional Convention to elaborate the draft of the Us Constitution, as they proposed limitations to the Federal Government which was to be formed.