The Assembly was the regular opportunity for all male citizens of Athens to speak their minds and exercise their votes regarding the government of their city. It was the most central and most definitive institution of the Athenian Democracy.The assembly was responsible for declaring war, military strategy and electing the strategoi and other officials. It was responsible for nominating and electing magistrates, thus indirectly electing the members of the Areopagus.
The Troubled Assist Relief Program. Made to purchase toxic assets and equity from financial institutions in October 3rd 2008.
2, 3 and 5, are most likely the answers because you aren’t getting a message out by manslaughter and I don’t believe writing letters to free slaves is something abolitionists did...
For me its B but it could be wrong so if it is wrong tell your teacher it is true because if there is no fairness there will never be any justice.
You are right in crossing out free enterprise.
Free enterprise is a type of economic system that allows private businesses to run with minimum to no government regulation.
Authoritarian Government, Constitutional Monarchy, and Parliamentary Democracy, are all types of <em>government</em>, and are not a type of economic system.