A GCF is the greatest common factor. It is the largest number that fits into other numbers. A seven cannot fit into a number smaller than itself, that doesn't work. Try to fit 7 into a smaller number like 4, it doesn't work.
Option A is 21 and 3 and Option C is 7 and 1. Those can be eliminated because 7 is larger than 3 and 1.
Option B is 7, 14. 7 Is the largest number that goes into 7 and it goes into 14. So B works.
28 and 7 is Option D. 7 is the largest number that goes into 7 and it goes into 28, so D works.
No because she can run slow and waste time and not get that far and it will be 3 min. But if you go fast and stop at the same distance it won’t take as long because of your SPEED.