This is crucial when developing relationships and connecting people. Social media provides key influencers and will provide great customer service when gathering input data, answering questions and listing to feedback to make the product or company better.
Thye correct answer is the following: Along my road trip I visited Rochester, Minnesota; Des Moines, Iowa; Lincoln, Nebraska; and Jefferson City, Missouri.
Semicolons are used within a sentence when it presents commas for smaller separations of nouns and you need a bigger separations to be represented. In this case, the speaker is listing the cities they visited and what states those cities belong to. Each city is correctly separated from its state by means of a comma, and each noun phrase (city plus state) is therefore separated from eachother by a semicolon.
create a treasure
Create A Treasure Hunt.
Pack The Gift In A Prank Box.
Make The Surprise Gift Reveal A Magical Moment. ...
Surprise Them With A Clue.
Plan A Day Of Gifts.