The back to Africa movement was when African American were encouraged to go back to Africa. Many chose not to.
The first Puritans who settled in New England brought with them a passion and conviction in their religious beliefs. Many also believed in the reality and efficacy of magic. Especially in New England, the culture of wonders was rooted in providentialism, a belief that God governs the world at each moment through His will and that all events occur as part of His ordained plan. Providentialism provides that one can best understand the natural world as the organic expression of God’s desire.
In an effort to reverse this trend, Puritan ministers developed the Half-Way Covenant in 1662. This declaration allowed for a new category of members who were converted but did not have full communion rights. In addition, this covenant allowed children of the converted to have church membership even if they had not been baptized. This partial church membership led to greater religious participation, but at the same time weakened the purity of religion. As members of the church’s elite grew increasingly frustrated and concerned about the effects of the Half-Way Covenant, these tensions spilled over into the events that would come to be known as the Salem Witch Trials.
Answer:The Roman Imperial period followed the period of the Republic. As is true of the Imperial period, civil wars were one of the factors contributing to the end of the Republic. Julius Caesar was the last real leader of the Republic and is counted the first of the Caesars in Suetonius' biographies of the first 12 emperors, but his adoptive son Augustus (Augustus was actually a title given Octavian, but here I will refer to him as [Caesar] Augustus because that is the name by which most people know him), the second in Suetonius' series, is counted as the first of the emperors of Rome. Caesar did not mean "emperor" at this time. Between Caesar and Augustus, ruling as the first emperor, was a period of strife during which the pre-imperial Augustus fought the combined forces of his co-leader, Mark Antony, and Antony's ally, the famous Egyptian queen Cleopatra VII. When Augustus won, he added Egypt—known as Rome's breadbasket—to the territory of the Roman Empire. Thus Augustus brought an excellent source of food to the people who counted.
The federal government is elected by the people of the nation. Though not all offices are direct elections.