The Governor may sign the bill or do nothing, and bill becomes law. If the Governor veto's the bill, two-thirds of the members are needed to override a veto. Act and other laws enacted at the session are printed in the Georgia Laws series. Also, act is incorporated into the Official Code of Georgia Annotated
In the case of the former slaves who became free after slavery was abolished, they were not always treated as such. Sure they were free in the eyes of the law, but many opportunities that a lot of white folk had weren't immediately available to everyone. In theory, being free could mean having more opportunities, but you have to remember just because you're free it doesn't mean you are guaranteed certain rights or opportunities as others are, it just means you have free will and you aren't in shackles. After all being free doesn't mean being fair or equal, and they are definitely not synonymous.
The term authoritarian is defined as the enforcing or favoring strict obedience to authority with the personal freedom being at expanse.
This term can be used for people that do have high authority, be it in the politics, economy, military...
Usually, something that is ruled by a person that is authoritarian ends up badly for everyone, as most of the people that are bellow that person in the hierarchy suffer, and eventually they get sick of it and take down that person.
Usually the term is used for leaders of countries in more recent times, where we have leaders that have absolute power in their countries, everyone has to obey them, and they rule with iron fist. Some examples of the near past are Hitler, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, Tito, Castro, while from the present day its Kim Jong Un, Berdimuhamedow, Myint...
The authoritarians come in the form of dictator, tyrant, despot, absolutist, autocrat.