I believe the answer is: <span>confers legitimacy on a government
Representatives that are chosen from a free and fair election could be to be appointed with the blessing of the majority citizens.
This </span>confers legitimacy on a government which was built to make the will of the people into realization and would work for the collective benefits of the community.
On August 2, 1939, Albert Einstein sent a letter to President Roosevelt warning him of the certain possibility that the Nazi regime in Germany was developing the necessary technology to create weapons of mass destruction, specifically, high impact nuclear bombs. In addition, in this letter Einstein urged the president to develop the same type of technology, in order to counter the eventual fire power that Germany could reach if it achieved its objective.
Not very.
Size - Dissimilar.: China is 25 times larger than Japan.Population - Dissimilar.: China has over 10 times the population of Japan.Geography - Dissimilar.: China is a mainland state while Japan is an archipelago.Spoken language - Dissimilar.: Japanese is an atonal language with roughly 15 gradations of politeness for different situations, while Mandarin, the official state language of China, is a tonal language with no tense or gender. Speakers of Japanese typically attempt to say as little as possible as politely as possible while speakers of Mandarin typically attempt to say as much as possible in as few words as possible.Written language - Similar: Both dominantly use variants of a historical Chinese writing system, with Japan having adopted it in the 4th or 5th Century AD. Readers of Chinese and Japanese are typically able to puzzle some meaning out of the other language, but the written languages have diverged substantially, especially with 20th Century China's simplification of hanji. And of course they are pronounced completely differently.Religion - Dissimilar.: Japan practices Buddhism, Shinto and Christianity. China officially had no religion for a long time, but is more Buddhist than anything else. The Chinese state endorses Confucianism, which is more a historical philosophy than a religion.Ethnicity - Similar: China is 91.5% ethnically Han with 55 minorities. Japan is 98.5% Japanese with a smattering of Korean, Chinese and other. Genetically, Han and Japanese are identical.Politics - Dissimilar.: China is a centrally managed post-Communist state that is not democratic. Japan is a parliamentary democracy with a relatively powerless hereditary monarchy similar to England.GDP per capita - Dissimilar: China has a 2015 GDP per capita of $8,154 USD while Japan's is over four times larger at $33,223 USD.
The tax burden in France, prior to the French Revolution, fell on the shoulders of the 98% of the population that made up the Third Estate. The First Estate consisted of the clergy, and the Second Estate was the nobility. Those two estates overlapped in some ways, because high ranking church officials functioned as a form of aristocracy too. And the two leading Estates colluded with one another to keep the system operating the way it was, with them having all the privileges and powers underneath the monarchy.
The Treaty of Paris was signed in Paris, France on September 3, 1783. This ended the American Revolutionary War, and gave the colonies their independence from Great Britain. They could now form their own government and make their own laws. This freedom was the most important effect of the American Revolution