Answer nnn mmmvvv xccc jjjj kkk lll
Though Chinese and Taiwanese have many similarities in their culture, language, politics and lifestyle, they differ in many ways. Since 1949, Chinese and Taiwanese are in conflict with each other. China is known as the People's Republic of China, and Taiwan is known as the Republic of China
According to my research on studies conducted by various neurologists, I can say that based on the information provided within the question she picked up the vocabulary much more quickly because it is easier to relearn; that is, to learn the material for a second time. This is because most of the information is already stored in the brain and it just takes certain familiar stimulation to recall that information once again.
I hope this answered your question. If you have any more questions feel free to ask away at Brainly.
Answer: There are no such thing as “healing” crystals. There are just crystals; beautifully and regularly organized versions of various minerals found on earth. I do not believe they have any properties like magic or invisible energy or anything like that. I do think that they look pretty and feel nice so they may help a person toward a better mood and being in a better mood it might aid in healing them.
La importancia de los amigos es algo muy muy especial por que en algun punto de nuestras vidas los amigos son como familia, la amistad es algo increible y especial por que pasas increibles momentos y vives experiencias de vida con ellos, nuestros amigos son nuestro acompañantes que estan contigo por que quieren y no por que les toco como la familia de sangre
Aun que suene un poco feo los amigos tienen una funcion en nuestras vidas y son muchas como para acompañia tambien te pueden ayudar con algun favor o sacarte de algun problema, apoyo emocional tal vez ya grandes en algun negocio etc...
Con esta respuesta quiero dar un consejo y es que valoren a sus verdaderos amigos y que no los descuiden siempre tratar de mantener contacto con ellos y mucho mas despues del colegio y universidad.