This article was wrote by Stanley
Transcendentalism have been demonstrated as a values based on self reliance, individuality, and optimism.
Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau were the person behind the transcendentalism, which was the philosophical movement that began in 1830s. We can find the transcendentalism in McCandless’s ‘Into the Wild’ where McCandless believes that life is best lived alone, in nature, by enjoying and feeling the natural beauty.
McCandless and Henry were both against materialism. They both believed that being dependent on the worldly possessions makes a person detached from their true self. McCandless wasn’t obsessed with any worldly possessions, he was ready to leave everything. Be it Emerson, or Henry, or McCandless, all of them tries to convey their readers to lead a simple life.
Third person omniscient is when the narrator reveals the thoughts and feelings of all characters in the story. Since this story only has one character and we know what she thinks and feels about her new system, it is written in omniscient. Limited omniscient is when the narrator reveals the thoughts and feelings of only one character or few situations. Even though the narrator only speaks of one character we will call it omniscient because there aren't any other characters whose thoughts and feelings are being left out that we know of.
Falling Action
In the falling action the main climax has already occurred but there are still some small conflicts on the way to the resolution. The rising action is when there are minor conflicts that make the main conflict even more difficult. The exposition sets up the characters, setting, and main conflict. The Denouement is the resolution of the main conflict.
The door was red, with a small, brass handle in the middle.
Objective point of view leaves out all emotions and only states facts. The description of the door is nothing but fact, there are no emotions involved.