Before adding, we need to make sure the denominators are the same. We can do so by multiplying the fraction by a common multiple. In this case, 3 is a multiple of 6, so we can change 1/2 to 3/6. 3/6 is still equal to 1/2, so nothing changes.
Now we have 3/6+1/6, which is 4/6 (add the numerator).
4/6 can be simplified to 2/3 and 2 is a multiple of 4 and 6.
So, therefore, the answer is 2/3.
When you multiply powers, they add, and when you divide them they subtract.
So I would first add the 2^a + 2^b +2^c to get 2^(a+b+c)
Then, divide by 2^(a+b). Because when you divide powers they subtract, you will be taking away the (a+b) from the (a+b+c) and you will be left with c on its own.
The answer is 2^c
Step-by-step explanation:
We need to compute the exact number of days of the loan.
Loan: 1,870
rate: 11%
term: Oct. 5 to Jan 16.
Oct 5-Oct 31: 26 days
Nov: 30 days
Dec: 31 days
Jan 16: 16 days.
total number of days: 103 days.
Interest = Principal * rate * term
Interest = 1870 * 0.11 * 103/365
Interest = 58.05
Promissory note $5,380
rate 6.2%
term: July 15 to Dec. 28
July 15 - 31 = 16 days
August: 31 days
September: 30 days
October: 31 days:
November: 30 days
December: 28 days
Total number of days is 166 days
Interest = Principal * rate * term
Interest = 5,380 * 0.062 * 166/365
Interest = 151.70
[(21 + 6) - 32] : 9.2 = (27 - 32) : 9.2 = -5 : 9.2 = -46