The definition of family has been influenced by societal norms and values. Norms of various societies differ with some societies defining family from the extended family point of view and other from the nuclear family point of view. This depends on whether a society is collectivist or individualistic
It served as model for later legal systems
<em>Roman law</em> was the system of justice that was practiced in Ancient Rome. Most European countries' law systems over the centuries were based on the law of Ancient Rome, proving just to what extent it was valued.
Its history dates back from <em>the Twelve Tables,</em><em> </em>located at the Forum Romanum. They specified the rights and duties of each and every Roman citizen in order to assure the rule of democracy in the Republic of Rome.
No state can be denied equal representation in the senate.
Johann Gutenberg was a German (1400 – 1468) who invented the printing press substituting the hand written press by printing technology of the time. Gutenberg started the printing revolution and is recalled as the milestone of the modern history period laying the basis for modern knowledge for the era of mass communication.