<em>DBMS Performance
Database tuning <em>defines a range of activities that are used to maximize and homogenize a database's output.</em>
This typically coincides with query tuning, but applies to database file layout, DBMS software selection, and database environment setup (operating system, CPU).
Database tuning helps to optimize the use of machine resources in order to carry out work as efficiently and quickly as possible.
Many systems are built to handle their use of system resources, but there is still plenty of space for enhancing their performance by tailoring their server and DBMS settings and configuration.
To change the background color, select the form in Visual Studio and locate the BackColor property in the Properties panel. There are a number of ways to specify a color. Color by name - Simply type in a color name into the BackColor value field (for example Red, Yellow, Cyan etc).
public class Brainly
public static void main(String[] args)
BinaryConverter conv = new BinaryConverter();
String binStr = "01001101";
System.out.print(binStr + " in decimal is "+conv.BinToDec(binStr));
public class BinaryConverter
public int BinToDec(String binStr)
int d = 0;
while(binStr.length() > 0)
d = (d << 1) + ((binStr.charAt(0) == '1') ? 1: 0);
binStr = binStr.substring(1);
return d;
The program "eats" the string from left to right, and builds up the integer representation in variable "d" on the go. While there are digits left, it shifts the previous result to the left and sets the least signficant bit to 1 only if the corresponding string character is a 1.
There isn't an opening and closing parentheses for the else statement. PM me. I know a lot of batch...