Which sentence do I have to answer?
Answer and Explanation:
In Amy Tan's short story "Rules of the Game", the conflict is mainly external, man vs. man or, more specifically, daughter vs. mother. Waverly and her mother seem incapable of understanding each other's feelings and demonstrations of such feelings. That is made very clear toward the end of the story, when the mother proudly introduces Waverly to every one, even strangers, on the street. Waverly is a sort of child prodigy, a chess genius, and her mother can't help but display her. Waverly, however, does not enjoy being exhibited, reacting in a way that is disrespectful and offensive, in her mother's opinion.
To offer a description of the snake
The adjectives “slippery” and “slimy” are alliteration. Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words, so in this case we have “slippery” and “slimy”, with the repetition of the “s” consonant sound. Therefore the alliteration “slippery, slimy” is describing the snake.
To go away from Verona
Benvolio suggested to Romeo, that he needs to go away from Verona before the guards come and attack him.
It began with the words, male appendage in the bottom, is two in the mouth. Such a great novel.....