An election of President occurs every four years, before the general election, candidates go trough a series os state primaries and caucuses, people can vote for a candidate of any politicial party, each select a nominee to unite behind, the nominees anuncies a vice president candidate, the campaign across the country, Presidential debates take pace wich expose their ideas, at the election Day the electors cast their votes, the Congress counts the electoral votes and the Inauguration day finally take place.
The main Advantages are: the ability to know the candidates, to see the candidates in many situations, candidates have time to recover a bad situation, people don't need to rush into a choice.
The main Desadvantages are: Candidates for no chance stay in, hurts primary candidates on both sides, American people stop paying attention .
Army horses took over Canyon de Chelly grazing grounds, In 1860, 1,000 warriors attacked Fort Defiance, For 10 years there were attacks and reprisals by both the Navajo and the Army.
Ans: The four main literary genres are poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and drama, with each varying in style, structure, subject matter, and the use of figurative language. The genre raises certain expectations in what the reader anticipates will happen within that work.
A belief that the person creates their own set of ethics.
The Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean
Before the Panama Canal was built, ships had to sail all the way around the tip of South America