It instituted the headright system, giving fifty acres of land to each colonist who paid for his own or another's passage.
The Black Death was mainly caused by unsanitary actions, but the black death made people more aware of sanitation by improving the cleanliness and need for it or else the plague would spread to them also, im guessing??
It was the Mamluks. A Mamluk was a soldier who converted to Islam, and over the time that the military used, they became stronger and more powerful military. This was the only way and the only war that the Mongols lost.
When will our conscious grow so tender that we will prevent human misery rather than that we will act to prevent human misery rather than advantage it
Through this treaty, Russia lost control over Finland and Poland, as well as other territories in eastern Europe. It also gave up its claim to the Ukraine, a region of the Russian Empire that was home to rich farmland and natural resources