You should remember the setting, characters, subject, sequence of events the messages the story tells and the point of veiw
In language arts, state means to say, announce, stand for, or give your opinion about something.
- "I do not agree with this," she stated.
- "This situation is hopeless!" she stated.
- "In paragraph four, the author states that...."
You can cut down the use of pest control and stop putting so much non fertilizing agents such as artificial fertilizer
The rhyme scheme consists of a discernible pattern of rhymes (words corresponding to other words in sounds) at the end of the lines, or in the middle. In this case, the rhyme scheme is as follows: ABBAABBACDCDCD. Look at the ending words of each line, and you'll notice the pattern: "saint" - "grave" - "gave" - "faint" (the first rhymes with the fourth, and the second rhymes with the third); the same with "taint" - "save" - "have" - "restraint". The rest of them: "mind" - "sight" - "shin'd" - "delight" (the first and the third rhyme with each other, just like the second and the fourth), etc.