d.china/ huang he river valley
When World War I began, many Americans were reluctant to join the war to avoid involvement in Europe's "petty squabbles" (as it saw them), and didn't feel that it was a threat to the US. They did send Britain essential war materials to help them during earlier parts of the war. The First World War saw a continuation of America's Isolationist policy, as the people of America didn't want to become involved in foreign affairs which didn't concern them. America did join the war, however, after Germany sank the Lusitania, killing 128 American citizens. They only entered the war for the last year though, and if they had come in sooner , the war might have ended much earlier.
C. Quanah Parker
Quanah Parker became the wealthiest Native Indian through his investments the railroad stock. On the reservation, Quanah Parker's tribe, the Staked Plains, was the last to arrive there after resistance to the white. He was elected chief over all the Comanches on the reservation by the government. He proved to be a resourceful, powerful, and able leader for the Comanches.
Letter C is the correct answer.
Manorialism was a very important element of the feudal society. It is defined as the economic ties between the nobility and the peasants who worked in their lands and represented the majority of the society in medieval times.