Kenya tend to have it worse than North America
More types of insects thrive on warm or hot weather. These weather will accelerate the growth of agricultural crops. This means that the food availability for insects to eat will be larger compared to the colder regions.
Since North America is located near to the North poles , typically the weather will be colder compared to Kenya. So the insect damages that they have to face will be less severe.
1, BF
2. JM
3. PH
4. <span>Philadelphia
5. <span>Black slave
6. </span><span>George Washington
7. TF
se es la na ponda con lundo
Answer: Development means “improvement in country’s economic and social conditions”. More specially, it refers to improvements in way of managing an area’s natural and human resources. In order to create wealth and improve people’s lives.
Dudley Seers while elaborating on the meaning of development suggests that while there can be value judgements on what is development and what is not, it should be a universally acceptable aim of development to make for conditions that lead to a realisation of the potentials of human personality.
The name of the little known city that was the sixth largest in the world in the past is : Teotihuacan
It was a city located in a sub valley of the valley of mexico and has been named as UNESCO's world heritage since 1987