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It is important for the ALSA management team to understand the importance of social media in their work because they had their most successful fundraiser thanks to social media. The Ice Bucket challenge raised $115 million in just a little more than one month.
This challenge began to spread massively after celebrities started to participate in the activity of dumping buckets of ice water over their heads and making donations to increase worldwide awareness on the ALS disease.
The videos shared on social media became viral and more than 17 million people were part of it. The ALSA organization sent an email to 60,000 people on their mailing list, but the movement developed mostly on its own.
The ALSA management team also understood that the impact of repeating the event next year would not be the same. However, they can still make annual events thanks to the 2014 popular event.
This would be considered a Full Board Review. Those are the reviews that cannot be done on the exempt or expedited review level. This means that these are the reviews that are considered above the minimal risk and include protected groups such as children.
C. diversified
When money is divided among different kinds of investment it is diversified
Nerve net, primitive nerve arrangement forming the entire nervous system of many cnidarians and a part of more advanced nervous systems. Cytoplasmic processes join the nerve cells (neurons) of nerve nets. In cnidarians the neurons are joined to epithelial receptors and to contractile cells. In vertebrates, nerve nets may be found around blood vessels and the alimentary tract.