they were on top of the cornucopia and also cato was there but katniss arrowed his hand and then sooner or later he fell down and the mutts had him so he died. the hunger games maker people suddenly announced that there can only be one victor even though katniss and peeta were both from district 12. they decided to defy the games and were going to both eat some nightlock, but the announcer person stopped them. now they both got to be victors of the hunger games.
The different sound effects create different moods and can control the emotions of the audience. Music right before the killer is going to strike can create a heartbeat effect, due to the throbbing effect of the music, therefore creating a sense of malice and tension therefore creating suspense.
povertyProcured:gainedMotives:reasonsMetamorphosis:change1In this great American asylum, the poor of Europe have by some meansmet together, and in consequence of various causes; to what purpose, should they ask oneanother, what countrymen they are? Alas, two thirds of them had no country. Can awretch who wanders about, who works and starves, whose life is a continual scene ofsore affliction or pinchingpenury; can that man call England or any other kingdom hiscountry? A country that had no bread for him, whose fieldsprocuredhim no harvest,who met with nothing but the frowns of the rich, the severity of the laws, with jails andpunishments; who owned not a single foot of the extensive surface of this planet? No!Urged by a variety ofmotives, here they came. Everything has tended to regeneratethem; new laws, a new mode of living, a new social system; here they are becomemen: in Europe they were as so many useless plants, wanting vegetative mould, andrefreshing showers; they withered, and were mowed down by want, hunger, ❤
Pretty sure the answer is A
Rule 1! HAVE FUN!
The Golden Rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated. That is, you shouldn't be rude or offensive, nor should you threaten or physically/verbally abuse anyone.
Follow Rachel's Challenge.
Don't be exclusive, be inclusive, be extrinsic, be extensive, be wild, respectful, and joyful!
Work hard in school.