Beta of a security is the covariance of the security return with the return on the market portfolio divided by variance of the market return.
The correct answer is C
Beta of a security is calculated as covariance (Ri,Rm) divided by Variance of the market return. Beta is used for measuring the systematic risk of a security.
The internal rate of return is a measurement utilised in capital planning to appraise the productivity of potential investment. The internal rate of return is a markdown rate that makes the net present worth of all incomes from a specific task equivalent to zero. If the NPV is zero the project is not feasible and if the NPV is zero or positive the investor should invest in that particular project
Procedural justice
Procedural justice is centered on the idea that there should be fairness in the process used in making decision or resolving disputes in a transparent way without being impartial, to ensure the process brings out the right outcomes.
Jessica believes that there’s a problem with the firm’s procedural justice as she believes her firm’s process and methods in determining increase in her salary is not fair enough.
Answer: When the price of the flour falls, the equilibrium price of the cream rises and the equilibrium quantity of the cream cheese also rises
Answer A is correct
if flour is cheaper, bagels are chepear so demand increases and both equilbrium price and equilibrium quantity rises