What is the opposing viewpoint Quindlen has? The nation fails more then it succeeds, for instance slavery and sweatshops. Claim ... to the first sentence that says "America is an Improbable idea" which supports her argument ... What does Anna mean when she describes America as being "like the crazy quilts that have ...
Commentary is the most important part of the perfect paragraph because it what allows the reader to understand more about what is being said. For example a commentary may also draw attention to current advances and speculate on future directions of a certain topic, and may include original data as well as state a personal opinion.
A February, 2002 report from the National Academies of Science concluded that while reproductive cloning is unsafe and should be banned, therapeutic cloning has sufficient scientific potential that it should be allowed to continue.
(not sure if this is right)
The Knights
That doesn’t make any sense, do you mind rephrasing it?