The Spanish and Mexican governments made many land grants in Alta California (now known as California and Baja California) from 1785 to 1846. Spanish land grants were made to retired soldiers as an incentive for them to remain on the border, and thus this way to retain them in this geographical area by means of a house.
Some call these concessions California Ranches, and they were the cause of dividing California into Upper and Lower California.
The Spanish and later in Mexico governments promoted the settlement of the coastal region of Alta California (now known as California) by giving prominent men large land grants called ranchos, usually two or more square leagues, or 35 square kilometers (14 square miles). The property titles of the donations (concessions), were, the property property rights free of permanent charges issued by the government to the land called ranches. The ranches encompassed virtually all of the most valuable land near the coast, around the San Francisco Bay, and inland along the Sacramento River and nearby lands in the Central Valley.
The Olmec colossal heads are stone representations of human heads sculpted from large basalt boulders. The heads date from at least 900 BC and are a distinctive feature of the Olmec civilization of ancient Mesoamerica. The boulders were brought from the Sierra de los Tuxtlas mountains of Veracruz.
Some of their problems was lack of nation-building experience, poor infrastructure, and massive amounts of damage incurred during their revolutions for independence. But for most of them that were explored they had many problems until nowadays.