There were many different reasons for the cold war, I'll only include a few.
Firstly the breakdown the the wartime alliance; Russia(soviet union) and America never got along but they both put aside their differences to fight against a common enemy, Hitler. Their hatred for Hitler kept the alliance going through the war however when Germany was defeated, they had no reason to stay friends.
They also have different ideological beliefs. America believed in capitalism, where there was a free economy with privately owned businesses and people making profit. Whereas the Ussr believed in communism, where the economy is controlled by the state, businesses are controlled by the state and a doctor would have the same wages as a cleaner- They wanted it to be fair for people.
Stalin was angry that Britain and America kept delaying D-Day, believing it was a plot to allow Germany to weaken the Soviet Union therefore there was tension.
Stalin wanted huge reparations from Germany, and a ‘buffer’ of friendly states to protect the USSR from being invaded again.
Britain and the USA wanted to protect democracy, and help Germany to recover. They were worried that large areas of eastern Europe were falling under Soviet control.
It was difficult to come to an agreement.
There was resentment;
Britain and the USA could not forget that Stalin had signed the Nazi-Soviet Pact with Germany in 1939.
The Soviet Union could not forget that in 1918 Britain and the USA had tried to destroy the Russian Revolution
There are a few more I've missed out, but here's a good starting point.
On September 8, 1900, a Category 4 hurricane ripped through Galveston, Texas, killing an estimated 6,000 to 8,000 people. At the time of the 1900 hurricane, Galveston, nicknamed the Oleander City, was filled with vacationers. Sophisticated weather forecasting technology didn’t exist at the time, but the U.S. Weather Bureau issued warnings telling people to move to higher ground. However, these advisories were ignored by many vacationers and residents alike. A 15-foot storm surge flooded the city, which was then situated at less than 9 feet above sea level, and numerous homes and buildings were destroyed. The hurricane remains the worst weather-related disaster in U.S. history in terms of loss of life.
10 is A // 8 is B // 7 is F
You would have been living with family based on the feudal system of samurai or in England with your father working on lands for you lord in turn fro protection and safety.
You would also help find and make food with your mother.
You would not go to school.
You would become another serf of the land.
Otherwise, you can go find a job as a blacksmith or other jobs.
Otherwise, you can get training as a knight and fight for the lords and receive land as a reward.