1.it is affecting in the way that she stopped eating normally and over exercising
2. her eating habits are affecting physical activity and energy levels because she is not getting enough nutrients that her body needs
3. she wouldn't be allow to go on a diet where they cut her calories and stuff because that could be dangerous but she get into a meal plan where she is still getting all her nutrients and not gaining weight
Pulmonary tuberculosis. It is a disease caused by a resistant acid bacterium and weight loss, persistent chronic cough and night sweats are characteristic of its symptoms. In addition to these discomforts, they will present hemotipsis, that is, the presence of blood in the sputum. The diagnosis is confirmed by the presence of spots in the lungs and positive sputum and culture tests for the presence of AFB (Acid- Fast Bacilli).
Milk, eggs, fish, crustacean, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, and soybean.
It's normal for a baby to show his first tooth as early as four months, or a late child could be 15 months . A few babies are even born with a tooth! A child should be between two and a half years old or three years old before he/she has a full set of their teeth .