Depend on the items.
If the things are basic items such as food, clothes and other home appliances etc so we can say that these things belongs to everyday items for the common people whereas if the things are luxurious such as imported cars, designer handbags and Jewelry etc we can say that these things belongs to the wealthy people of the society not the common people because they luxury items.
Direct questions often encourage comments from normally quiet people. Direct questions<span> are the "normal" </span>questions<span> that we can ask friends, family members, and people who we know well. </span>
Answer: Incongruety or misfit
People who drive motorcycles
i just took the test.
Answer: when jane is in a good mood and somewhat distracted.
Samantha's approach is related to the audience effect. The audience effect is a type of social facilitation in which a individual's performance is influenced by the presence of others (an audience). This was first noticed in the late 1800s with the work of Norman Triplett who found that bicyclists were slower when racing a clock than when racing against other cyclists.