A monster like Grendel is an antagonist from Beowulf. A hero must be courageous and kindhearted to be able to defeat a monster like him. One must also trust his or her own instinct. The calmness of the hero defeated Grendel who is filled with anger.
National apology, reparations, and improved services for stolen generations members
<span>After World War II, the Marshall Plan helped countries in Western Europe with rebuilding their economies--since almost every country in Europe at this time had been devastated by the war. </span>
The Second Triumvirate was officially recognized by the Roman government in 43 BC. Some historians consider this to be the end of the Roman Republic. The Second Triumvirate ruled for ten years until 33 BC. However, it began to split up when Octavian removed Lepidus from power in 36 BC.