They look at all of them usually it all depends
Pizza has multiple layers onto one and it's affordable, but depending on the place you get it, pizza can be filled with grease, which is bad for your health. On the other hand, pasta is delicious and classy and is universally favored (except for people who dislike carbs). Pasta is healthy for you and it's easier to make (not from scratch though). I do not see the negative side of pasta, but that's all I got.
They cite others work to provide credit of where they got that piece of information
Cherry and Marcia are two popular girls who become friends with The Outsiders narrator, Ponyboy, his brothers, and his Greaser friends. When Cherry first meets Ponyboy, they bond over their unusual first names. She tells him, ''My name's Sherri, but I'm called Cherry because of my hair. Cherry Valance.'' Marcia is ''a little smaller than Cherry. She was cute, but that Cherry Valance was a real looker.'' The girls are dating Soc boys, but they're the first Socs that Ponyboy and his friends get to know, and it gives them a different perspective on their rivals. Cherry and Marcia are pretty, friendly, and fun.
There was a time when you couldn't search, text, or post,
You could only read, ask, and hope.
There wasn't social media,
No Wikipedia.
Only one huge encyclopedia.
You couldn't call a friend,
Unless on a landline,
The only problem was that took a very long time.
You couldn't click a button and get a perfect picture,
And when it came to phones, parents now are way sticter.
I love this future that we call the present,
But always remember that technology wasn't always this pleasant.
Good luck!