In this article, the author talks about the definition of the term herd behaviour when it applies to humans. This is a behaviour that people sometimes adopt and which leads them to act in irrational ways or with panic. When people follow this behaviour, they act in the way in which they perceive the crowd to act, even when this is not beneficial or logical.
Paragraph 7 provides an example of this type of thinking in action. In this paragraph, we learn of the way in which Hitler used this tendency to gain support for his cause. By providing this example, paragraph 7 allows the reader to think of what the behaviour looks like in action. It also allows the reader to better appreciate the consequences of herd behaviour in real life.
There was a time when you couldn't search, text, or post,
You could only read, ask, and hope.
There wasn't social media,
No Wikipedia.
Only one huge encyclopedia.
You couldn't call a friend,
Unless on a landline,
The only problem was that took a very long time.
You couldn't click a button and get a perfect picture,
And when it came to phones, parents now are way sticter.
I love this future that we call the present,
But always remember that technology wasn't always this pleasant.
Good luck!
I would say climax because that’s when the biggest turning point of the story is
In this excerpt, Edwards is attempting to convince people that they need to believe in and love the Holy God. You can infer from the text that they were not appreciative enough