A loving African American family, living in the town of Flint, Michigan in 1963. When the oldest son Byron begins to get into a bit of trouble, the parents decide he should spend the summer and possibly the next school year with Grandma Sands in Birmingham, Alabama. The entire family travels there together by car, and during their visit, tragic events take place that affect the whole family but mainly Kenny. (basically the whole plot of the story for ya)
He used the " airborne japan" speech which was a passionate speech to touch the emotions to those who cared to listen the speech was spoken persuasively as well as angerly to make a clear statement that he was going to fight back and bring The U.S naval and continental forces as an understatement and a bi-product of what was to come as being one of the third electives in the U.S continental congress and what was to be the product of the power he had if chosen as the main elective.
You probably need to study the notes that need for the test or ask for practice ones and have a teacher or a classmate help u understand why its the answer <span />