A. Retell the story from a different point of view.
Note, we are told to write the story from Alice's point of view which ultimately refers to a complete change in the way the story was told.
Also, by including dialogue showing how Alice's sister responds to the story, we would in effect be retelling the story from a different point of view.
he was planted as a soil of church
nonfiction is content (sometimes, in the form of a story) whose creator, in good faith, assumes responsibility for the truth or accuracy of the events, people, or information presented. In contrast, a story whose creator explicitly leaves open if and how the work refers to reality is usually classified as fiction. Nonfiction, which may be presented either objectively or subjectively, is traditionally one of the two main divisions of narratives (and, specifically, prose writing), the other traditional division being fiction, which contrasts with nonfiction by dealing in information, events, and characters expected to be partly or largely imaginary.
Nonfiction's specific factual assertions and descriptions may or may not be accurate, and can give either a true or a false account of the subject in question. However, authors of such accounts genuinely believe or claim them to be truthful at the time of their composition or, them to a convinced audience as historically or empirically factual. Reporting the beliefs of others in a nonfiction format is not necessarily an endorsement of the ultimate veracity of those beliefs, it is simply saying it is true that people believe them (for such topics as mythology). Nonfiction can also be written about fiction, typically known as literary criticism, giving information and analysis on these other works. Nonfiction need not necessarily be written text, since pictures and film can also purport to present a factual account of a subject.
It was the unluckiest day of Kevin Brown's life. His dog had just died, and his mom had accidentally dropped his brand-new controller. His dog Timmy had only been 2 years old, but he ate a mushroom that happened to be poisonous. His dad had just bought the controller for him for his tenth birthday, and it was now in pieces on the tiled floor. Kevin ran to the bus as fast as he could after cleaning up the pieces of his controller. He almost made it to the bus stop, but as he stood there, he watched the bus drive away.