Well, this is very easy, first up; what's a fugitive?
A fugitive is a person that has escaped a place/or is in hiding;to avoid arrest/persecution.
So traveling by wagons,railroads,and walking makes sense. Except for one, slave ships, that makes no sense at all. Why would fugitive slaves travel on "slave ships?"
The Roman Catholic Church
Before Copernicus's Heliocentric Theory, The Catholic Church believed in Greek philosopher Aristotle's Geocentric Theory, where the Earth was the center of the universe. He believed- and I kid you not, that everything moving in the sky was propelled by the world-soul, or soul of the planet, and that their orbits were explained by huge, perfect, chrystalline spheres that contained the celestial bodies and surrounded Earth like a Russian nesting doll. The Catholic Church adopted this theory and sprinkled Jesus on top.
Copernicus (and after him, Galileo) contributed to the disproving of these literally ancient notions.
Modern labor unions arose in the United States in the 1800s as increasing numbers of Americans took jobs in the factories, mines, and mills of the growing industrial economy during the Industrial Revolution. For the first one hundred years of its history, the United States had been a nation composed mainly of small farmers, but the economy had shifted to industry. For the first time in the country's history, more people worked for other people for wages than for themselves as farmers or craftsmen start superscript, 1, end superscript in these early years of industrial capitalism, government played little to no role in regulating businesses. Monopolies could set prices for goods and services as high as they liked. Likewise, industries could conspire to keep workers' wages low. Wealthy business owners routinely bribed judges and members of Congress to side with them in disputes. With such enormous resources at their disposal, business owners could easily overpower any individual worker who might complain about his or her treatment.
General Washington chose to cross an ice-chocked Delaware River winter’s night because his purpose was to make a surprise attack on a Hessian garrison which consists of 1,400 soldiers located in and around Trenton, New Jersey. Washington had hoped that a fast victory in Trenton would boost morale in his army and encourage additional men to join Continentals rank in the coming new year.