Exposition: Explains things before the story began and often provides background info on characters!
Rising Action: Plot begins to complicate and twist and Reveals point of view
Falling Action: Occurs after the climax and conflicts begins to be worked out and tensions lesson
Answer: d. A = 500 BCE; B = 250 BCE
The term BCE means Before Common Era and it is used to describe the time period before Jesus Christ was born and CE (Common Era) referring to the years after.
With BCE the years are to be counted down as you progress. What this means is that the higher number is the earlier period and the smaller number is the later period.
BCE is then counted down till 0 and then CE takes over. With CE we count up so the earlier period is the smaller number and the larger number is the later period.
Therefore A and B have to smaller than 600 BCE to be after it and smaller than 200 CE to be before it.
Option D is therefore correct as it is lower than 600 BCE and as they are both BCE, they are earlier than 200 CE.
<em>600 BCE ⇒ 500 BCE ⇒ 250 BCE ⇒ 200 CE</em>
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Answer: Entrepreneurs lived in these cities and started businesses there.
Before the massive industrial development in the United States' interior, all major jobs were related to port cities. These are the places where the first colonies were founded, so this is the reason why they developed rapidly. The lack of railway infrastructure in the country's interior is the reason why port cities have developed rapidly. The ports were the center of trade and business, so it was in these places that the first industrial capacities were developed. The companies' owners established their companies near the port because all the necessary raw materials arrived by the ships.
In summary, both Cooley and Mead believed that the self was developed through the process of self-socialization. Self-socialization allows us to reflect and argue with ourselves, which helps to develop an accurate self-image.