Sponges use <em><u>choanocytes</u></em> or <em><u>flagellated channels</u></em> to get nutrients from the feeding cells to other parts of their body.
Sponges are marine animals with a sac-shaped body. The epidermis is composed of polygonal flat cells called pinacocytes and pores protected by porocytes. Under the epidermis, there is a protein matrix called mesenchyme, which is composed of spicules and <em><u>amibocytes</u></em>. By the interior side of the sponge, there are the<em><u> choanocytes</u></em>. These are ovoid cells that can be shaping the spongocoele (internal cavity of the sponge), with an extreme attached to the mesenchyme and the other extreme projected to the spongocoele, or can be grouped in spaces called <em><u>flagellated channels</u></em>.
These animals depend on water to get oxygen and food to the inside of the sac and take excrements and reproductive cells to the outside. Sponges <em>feed on small detritus particles and suspending organisms</em> that get near the animal by water streams produced by choanocytes.
Particle size is essential. Only the small ones can get through the flagellated channels, where they get stuck to the choanocytes and are encapsulated by the cells. If the choanocytes are too small, the particle is transferred to the amibocytes for digestion. These last ones also act as food storages. Excrement products are dragged by a water stream.
The first two fingers may be stronger due to the fact that they are used the most often and could build up more strength and dexterity. Another reason the first two fingers may be stronger could be due to the fact that the ulnar muscle that controls digits 4 and 5 is smaller than the radial muscle.
Pinch strength is a widely used measurement of hand function. A direct relationship between pinch strength and function has been demonstrated and illustrates the importance of hand strength in clinical practice.There is a difference in grip strength in the dominant and non-dominant hands.Dominant hand is significantly stronger. According to the pinch strength data, he index finger and the thumb are the strongest, the middle finger and the thumb are the second strongest, the ring finger and the thumb are the third strongest, and the little finger and the thumb are last. The difference is the largest between the middle finger and the thumb and the ring finger and the thumb.
The first two fingers may be stronger due to the fact that they are used the most often and could build up more strength and dexterity. Another reason the first two fingers may be stronger could be due to the fact that the ulnar muscle that controls digits 4 and 5 is smaller than the radial muscle.
Difference in the pinch strength may be due to one possible reason that the radial muscle is larger than the ulnar muscle which controls digits 4 and 5. Another reason could be that you generally use the thumb, index, and middle fingers more than the ring and little finger, therefore the first three fingers have more strength and muscle memory.
The main form is carbon dioxide and methane
the answer is carbohydrate