c) pay reparations
the treaty of the Versailles, or the peace treaty, required Germany to pay a reparation of $33 billion to cover the civilian damage caused in the war. They were also made to admit that the entirety of the war was their fault - even though Germany did not start the war - as part of Article 2.3.1, which was known as the 'war guilt cause', blaming Germany for it all and causing humiliation for the country and their military.
Women were able to be employed , some were now able to go for industrial jobs.
The agora that I am thinking of is a market place.
Military Conquest of Babur
- Babur had captured Kabul in 1504.
- Babur captured Lahore in 1524 but was forced to withdraw to Kabul after Daulat Khan turned against him.
- Babur invaded and recaptured Punjab in November 1525.
- Babur defeated Ibrahim Lodi in the First Battle of Panipat on 21 April 1526 and soon captured Delhi.