<em>The programming language is not stated; however, I'll answer using Python programming language (</em><em>Se</em><em>e attachment</em><em> </em><em>for</em><em> </em><em>proper </em><em>for</em><em>mat</em><em>)</em>
tuition = 10000
rate = 0.04
for i in range(1,15):
tuition = tuition + tuition * rate
if i <= 10:
print("Year "+str(i)+" tuition:",end=" ")
if i == 14:
print("Tuition 4th year after:",end=" ")
<em>The first 2 lines initializes tuition and rate to 10000 and 0.04 respectively</em>
tuition = 10000
rate = 0.04
<em>The next line iterates from year 1 to year 14</em>
for i in range(1,15):
<em>This line calculates the tuition for each year</em>
tuition = tuition + tuition * rate
<em>The next 3 lines prints the tuition for year 1 to year 10</em>
if i <= 10:
print("Year "+str(i)+" tuition:",end=" ")
<em>The next 3 lines prints the tuition at the 4th year after year 10 (i.e. year 14)</em>
if i == 14:
print("Tuition 4th year after:",end=" ")
Modification is the name given to an attack that makes changes into original data such as users manually modifying data, programs processing and changing data, and equipment failures.
In modification attacks, only changes are made to original data without deleting it completely. Modification is basically a type of attack in the context of information security. This type of attack creates annoying situations and discords by altering existing data in data files, inserting new false information in the network and reconfiguring network topologies and system hardware.
Modification attack is mainly mounted against sensitive and historical data. Modification attacks target integrity of the original data with an intent of fabricating it.
You can learn more about ha-cker attack at
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Information security policy are used for the prevention of intruders hacking a network when an organization start getting IT related attacks.
Information security policy are used for the prevention of intruders hacking a network when an organization start getting IT related attacks.
An information security policy are set of rules/policies designed to guide employees for the protection of the security of company information and IT systems. The reasons for these policies are:
- It defines what is required from organization’s employees for the security of the IT systems
- Information security policies provide a means to secure the organization against external and internal threats
- Information security policies are a mechanism to for ensuring an organization’s legal and ethical responsibilities
- Information security policies are created to hold each employee responsible with regard to information security