C. Sentencing bc they have to know how long to punish the suspect
Subpart L contains those standards that one might consider traditional fire protection. It is in Subpart L that requirements for fire extinguishers, alarms, standpipe and hose systems, and similar "traditional" fire concerns are addressed.
b.sensation; perception
Sensation refers to how the body senses or responds to environmental changes. This is made possible by the sensory cells of the sense organs such as the eye, nose , ear, skin etc.
Perception deals with how the body translates these actions or changes.
In the example, a box was dropped on his toe and the body responded to it by an immediate sharp sensation of pain.
The throbbing of pain which lasted for the next few days was transmitted by how the body perceived the action . The pain lasting for days mean the body perceived it to be quite serious.
I assume my self to be a part of the ancient Harappan civilization.
One of the most ancient civilizations in the world was at its peak from 3500 bc to 2500 B.C. Though ancient it had many modern features like the specialisation of work, complex division in society, and flourished trade and commerce. It had contacts with many distant civilizations like Mesopotamia, etc. To be a trader in that period reflects a chance of adventurous profession. Traveling distant land would have surely attracted me in the ancient phase.
subjects may experience emotional or psychological distress
Based on the scenario being described within the question it can be said the other most likely risk to occur would be that some subjects may experience emotional or psychological distress. This is because they would have to remember the trauma that they have suffered through and remembering trauma is like reliving that moment again for the victim, which may lead them to breaking down emotionally and psychologically.