The main Characteristic of Nazism that people overlook is that they were national socialism. Communism was basically international socialism to Hitlers eyes. He saw that the jews a the main problems to this world, Because Karl Marx was jewish. He tought jews ruled the world because they were the rulers of capitalism and communism. Since hitler was a racist, he thought there should be a national socialism and not communism were its international for the workers uniting. He thought germany should unite and be the superior of the world and thought nationalistic socialism was the only way to get it done.
to put it short, Germany uniting under one state and a full pledge to it. To say its fascism is kind of wrong because Hitler hated Spain fascism and hated Italian fascism. Hitler Had is own ideology which was Nazism and was really racist.
Fascism: The people inside the state pledges to state. More about nationalism
Nazism: The German race/ people pledge allegiance to the state.
More about race is the nation
How i Know I have 5000 hours on history