Mr. Smith had (a) beautiful garden in his village. (The) garden has many (Yellow) flowers and (Roses) Hanging from a (fence).
1. Why did the lemonade taste so good if it was probably lite lemonade?
2. Why does the parent's had so many lite drinks?
3. Why does the person talking says that table sugar, honey, and juice are natural sugars when they are not?
4. Is it possible for someone not to have this receptor in are tongue for the sweets and this is why some people don't like sugar?
5. In one of the pages they are talking about sugar weight but one way you can have that sugar taste and not get to over weight is fruits and I don't know why they don't show that
this is just an exsample to help you get an idea of what to type or say m
The answer is future tense
The five-letter word is "lacks".
Inductive reasoning derives a general principle (you must water your garden daily) from a specific observation (gardens require a lot of water), connecting the two in a sequential and logical manner. It is the opposite of deductive reasoning, which uses a general principle to arrive at a specific observation (A could be seen as an example of deductive reasoning).