The act intensified the issue over slavery in the United States Congress.
The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 allowing settlers of a region to decide whether slavery to be approved within a new state's borders, and allowed for popular sovereignty. It also led to a violent rebellion called Bleeding Kansas. It was a rebel between antislavery and proslavery activists who flooded into the territories.
By discovering nuclear energy
Best Friend of Charleston
The Best Friend of Charleston was a steam-powered railroad locomotive which is widely acclaimed as the first locomotive to be built entirely within the United States for revenue service. It produced the first locomotive boiler explosion in the United States.
The law was a copy of the one proposed by republican president Richard Nixon in 1974
Crossing the Rubicon
Julius Ceasar served as governor over the region of Southern Gaul to Illyricum. After he completed his reign as governor, he was instructed by the Senate in Rome to return to Rome, leaving his army behind.
Julius Ceasar did just the opposite because after he completed his tenure, he went along with his soldiers to cross the Rubicon river which was at the boundary of Italy. This act was considered treasonable by the Senate in Rome. It was also considered a declaration of war. Julius Ceasar eventually won the Civil war which protected him from punishment.