B. Recognizing the Roman Emperors authority
If anything recognizing the authority of the Roman emperor could be seen as going against Roman Catholicism, as many of the Roman Emperors were pagans during the rise of Christianity. Not to mention, it has no basis in religion, it is a political matter.
In this period, the minutemen were created. They could be ready for battle in a moments notice.
Paul Revere, was a horseback rider who spread the word that the British were coming. He warned a group of minutemen multiple different times, along with countless number of other horseback riders.
B i think that should do it
Buddha said that people should live morally, compassionately, and peacefully. He also advised his followers to abide by the Eightfold Path (Right View, Right Resolve, Right Speech, Right Conduct, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration). Hope this helps.