Answer: Offered a Determine response, her enthusiasm
A foil in literature describes a character who contrasts with another character in order to make comparisons and highlight certain traits between these two persons.
Both Melantho and Eurycleia are servants of Odysseus. While Melantho is unloyal, (sleeping with the suitors while Odysseus is away) and treating him rudely when he returns disguised as a beggar, Eurycleia remains devoted and kind. Melantho is used as a foil for Eurycleia to showcase her good traits.
The Murder of Gonzago, also known as The Mousetrap, is a play Hamlet has performed in order to unveil his uncle's innocence or guilt in the death of his father. Hamlet adds scenes depicting his father's death into the action of the play. When those scenes are performed, Hamlet's uncle and mother are uncomfortable.
The correct answer is C. Hope this helps, good luck!
The air molecules inside the bag are pushing out against the bag.