The amount of lipids stored as an energy reserve far exceeds the energy stored as glycogen since the human body is simply not capable of storing as much glycogen compared to lipids. Lipids yield 9 kcal of energy per gram while carbohydrates and proteins yield only 4 kcal of energy per gram.
Bacteria that metabolize NO2- to give rise to NH4+ belongs to the family of denitrifying bacteria and nitrate ammonification bacteria such as pseudomonas.
Denitrifying bacteria uses NO2- as electron aceeptor thus converting the nitrite ion (NO2-) to ammonium ion(NH4+).
a) The above reaction is a reduction reaction because NO2- or nitrite ion accept electron to generated its reduced form known as ammonium(NH4+).
b) NO2- acting as electron acceptor in this reaction.
<h2>A. Chromosome</h2>
In intermediate phase of cell cycle, DNA replication occurs (in S-phase), so in inter phase, DNA become unfolded and in relaxed state and is available for replicating machinery.
When cell enter into prophase, DNA folds, coils and super coils and finally become in condensed form, which can be seen by microscope.
So this compact form of DNA is called as chromosome.
In humans. there are total 46 chromosomes.
Cell -> tissue -> organ -> organ system -> organism
Kingdom because there are 3 kingdoms - Eukarea, Prokarya and Archaea