<h2>Requesting for social amenities</h2>
<h2> Requesting for social amenities</h2>
Dear Sir/Madam,
l am writing this letter to inform you about urgent social amenities in my community. Every decent community should have an emergency room and a high school.
Our community consist of both young and elderly people. When it comes to elderly people, they usually need constant medical care. Sometimes, they are not able to go to a bigger city for it, and they rather keep quiet. This can lead to further medical problems. For this purpose, we need an emergency room. Everybody has equal right to health care.
When it comes to young people, they now have great elementary education here. On the other hand, there is no high-school in our community which they could go to. It is a great issue, since some of the students are not finansially capable to go to another city for education. Having a high school would significantly improve general state of education in our community.
In conclusion, we hope you will think about these issues and take ungent measures to improve our community.
Best regards,
a person
Explanation:because it let u play doesn't help to make u learn
I cant rn But Whats your user like to play a different time. :)
Sigo aqui a pesar
Sigo aqui a pesar de lo malo
De ese oscuro pasado
Siempre estoy junto a ti
Sigo aqui abrazado a lo nuestro
A este amor tan inmenso
Que no sabe morir
He llorado tanto mas
Que el cielo
Lagrimas de dolor
He tocado fondo tantas veces
luchando por tu amor
Soy incondicional
Un amor tan real que
No juzga que suena
Que sufre y perdona
Un amor de verdad
Soy Incondicional
Un amor tan real
Que no espera
Algo a cambio
Que no tiene horario
Un amor de verdad
NNNnno no no
Que un amor verdadero
Se entrega por completo
Y eso hice por ti..
He llorado tanto mas
Que el cielo
Lagrimas de dolor
He tocado fondo tantas veces
luchando por tu amor
Soy incondicional
Un amor tan real que